Hey There!

I’m Lori Danelle

I’m a small-town illustrator, designer, and maker with an insatiable need to create. I love cheery bright colors, new projects, and getting to say “Thanks! I made that.”

Known for my ability to make almost anything, I’m a consummate doer who’s creativity isn’t limited to just one medium.

Pencil? Fabric? Lumber?
I love it all and am always ready to learn something new.

I firmly believe that everyone is creative and joy is meant to be spread around.

I draw pictures that make me happy, then put them on everything to spread the joy around. . . whether it’s something to wear, put in your home, or a handicraft you can make yourself, you’re invited to join me on this creative journey, enjoy the little things, and make the world just a little happier. 

My goal is to inspire women to tap into their inner-maker, because once you figure out you can do one thing, you start to realize you can do just about anything! 

When I’m not busy working on Lori Danelle, you can catch me with my husband out at our farm in Defeated Creek, TN tromping through the woods, fixing up our vintage Avion camper, eating tacos, or checking another National Park off our list. 

If you’re dying to hear more, here are five things you may not know about me: 

  1. I’m completely indecisive.

  2. I ALWAYS take the stairs two-at-a-time.

  3. I make the BEST guacamole.

  4. I love puzzles — but will ONLY do ones with Charles Wysocki’s art (I have over 50!!!!)

  5. My birthday has fallen on Easter 3 times — AND will again when I’m 71!!!

Still here? I’d love to engage with you more! You’ll find I’m guilty of spending a little too much time over on Instagram (I’ve met some of the coolest people there!), or use the form below to get on my list.